AS Adventure hike heather forest Moerbeke

The days are getting shorter, and the weather is getting cooler. Which means it is time to hike more again. I love to go out for hikes on Sunday mornings, when the air is still crisp after a cold night and the grass is still wet. Early morning hikes are the best way to start a Sunday in my opinion. A couple of weekends ago we headed out for our first fall hike in Moerbeke, Belgium. We headed out to the heather forest in Moerbeke (het heidebos).

There are multiple parking lots at the forest, but we always park our car at parking lot 1, which is located at Keizershoek, Moerbeke. From here you can start 4 hiking trails, varying in length from 2,1 kilometer up to 6,4 kilometer. Since we didn’t bring our dog Indy on this hike, we decided on the AS Adventure route of 5 kilometer, which dogs aren’t allowed on.

Unfortunately we decided to hike counterclockwise, which isn’t the smartest thing, as the signs are set up to hike clockwise. It is a well marked route, so even having to look back for the right signs, it was easy to follow the route. The route is unpaved, and takes you through the forest, as well as through the heather fields, where cows roam free. We didn’t encounter any on our hike this time, but due to the cows, dogs aren’t allowed in this area.

The first signs of fall were already starting to show in the forest, with leaves starting to turn color and fungi popping up along the trail. You can take some time to rest at multiple places with benches. The perfect spot to just take in the beauty of this forest.

It is just a short, but beautiful hike. You can combine this loop with the longer yellow one for a longer hike.

Let me know in the comments if you will visit this beautiful forest in the future.

Winactie, een weekend Voorne-Putten

Win een weekend weg naar het prachtige Voorne putten

De afgelopen twee jaar mocht in de herfst genieten van al het moois dat het eiland Voorne-Putten te bieden heeft. Fietsen over het eiland, langs uitgestrekte landschappen of wandelen door de duinen. Het kan hier allemaal. En jij kan een weekend naar deze prachtige najaarsbestemming winnen. Hoe? Dat lees je onderaan deze blog post. Voor nu neem ik je even mee in mijn tips voor Voorne-Putten.

Wandeling Duinen en Valleien in Rockankje

Deze wandeling start vanaf het bezoekerscentrum Tennellaplas in Rockanje. Een prachtig opgezet bezoekerscentrum, wat zeker een bezoekje waard is. Deze wandeling neemt je mee door de prachtige duinen van het eiland. Hier waan je je even alleen op de wereld. Met prachtige weidse landschappen gedurende de wandeling heb je even helemaal niet het gevoel in Nederland te zijn, maar midden in de natuur.

Verdedigingslinies Hellevoetsluis

Over de verdedigingslinies in Hellevoetsluis is veel te vertellen, ga met een gids mee van “Stichting Verdedigingswerken” Zij kunnen je alles vertellen over waarvoor de bunkers dienden tijdens de verschillende periodes in de geschiedenis van Hellevoetsluis. Een informatieve en leuke ochtend gegarandeerd.

Wandelen in het Ravense hout, Hellevoetsluis

Een schitterend bos, net buiten de stad Hellevoetsluis. Hier kan je heerlijk wandelen, langs de watertjes, over bruggetjes en door schitterende bomen lanen. Een korte, maar leuke wandeling.

Overnacht in Boutique Hotel de Oude Veste in Hellevoetsluis

Ik mag een overnachting voor twee personen weg geven in het prachtige Boutique Hotel de Oude Veste, te Hellevoetsluis. Een bijzonder hotel, want dit hotel is gevestigd in een historisch pand uit 1878. Dit pand is jaren in gebruik geweest door de Koninklijke marine. Nu dient het als kleinschalig hotel, met 7 hotel kamers. Met elk hun eigen stijl. Wij verbleven in kamer 6 met uitzicht op de haven van Hellevoetsluis en de molen. Heerlijk wakker worden met de grote raampartijen en dit uitzicht.

Wil jij dit nou ook?

Laat dan je gegevens achter via deze link en wie weet overnacht jij binnenkort in dit prachtige hotel! Deze winactie sluit op 8 oktober 2023.

Voor meer informatie over een weekendje Voorne-Putten, bezoek mijn blogs:
A weekend hiking at Voorne-Putten
Weekendje weg op Voorne-Putten

Wandelen in de grensstreek, LAW Het Grenslandpad, etappe 1 Sluis-Aardenburg

De eerst etappe van het Grenslandpad voert je van de vestingstad Sluis naar de oudste stad van Zeeland, Aardenburg. Een wandeling door de grensstreek.

Wandelen in de eigen streek. We doen het allemaal. Als we op reis zijn zoeken we de mooiste tochten uit om te wandelen. In onze eigen streek doen we dit minder snel. Ik moet eerlijk zeggen, dat ook ik mijn vaste rondjes wandel.

Er is alleen zo veel moois te zien. In Nederland zijn er tal van wandelpaden. Van vooruitgezette routes tot knooppuntroutes, maar ook de zo bekende lange afstands wandelpaden.

Een van deze lange afstanden wandelpaden, start toevallig in de voor mij mooiste regio van Nederland, West Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. En om preciezer te zijn start het Grenslandpad in de mooie vestingstad Sluis.

Het Grenslandpad

Het Grensladpad loopt van Sluis, Zeeland, naar Thorne, Limburg. Een wandelafstand van in totaal 372 kilometer. Het Grenslandpad telt 21 etappes, waarbij er met de variaties nog eens 6 extra etappes mogelijk zijn.

Ik heb de eerste etappe van het Grenslandpad gewandeld. De eerste etappe start in de gezellige binnenstad van Sluis en eindigt in het historische Aardenburg. Wist je dat Aardenburg, de oudste stad van Zeeland is?

De eerste etappe is 16,5 kilometer lang. Dit kan iets afwijken, afhankelijk van waar je besluit te overnachten of terug te keren naar het startpunt.

Ik start de wandeling aan de Kaai in Sluis. Vanaf de Kaai sla ik rechtsaf het Jaagpad in, welke direct langs de Damse vaart loopt. De Damse Vaart verbindt Sluis met de Belgische stad Brugge. Langs de Damse vaart, wandel ik Sluis uit, onder door een prachtige bomenlaan. Dit zou je niet direct verwachten als je in een stad als Sluis bent. Dit laat maar weer zien hoe groen de omgeving hier is. Na 500 meter zien we al direct het prachtige weidse landschap dat om Sluis heen ligt.

Sluis uit wandelend kom ik zowel andere wandelaars, als fietsers tegen. Een populair stukje Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. Maar dat is ook niet zo gek, want het is prachtig wandelen langs de Damse Vaart onder de statige bomen. Met uitzicht over de omliggende polders rondom Sluis.

Ik wandel ongeveer 2,5 kilometer vanuit Sluis langs de Damse Vaart, tot dat ik bij een pontje aankom. Het pontje is een attractie op zich zelf, want deze mag je zelf bedienen. En mijn route gaat verder aan de andere kant van de Damse Vaart. Dus ik mag met het pontje oversteken. Even de arm spieren trainen dus.

Eenmaal aan de overkant aangekomen, staan de routes goed bewegwijzerd. Hier kruizen namelijk meerdere lange afstandswandelingen elkaar. De route staat overal goed gemarkeerd met rood-witte markeringen, wat standaard is bij lange afstandswandelingen.

Ik vervolg mijn wandeling door de Belgische polders, want zoals de naam het al zegt, loopt de route over de grens. Hierdoor loop je een gedeelte van de route in Nederland en een gedeelte van de route in België. Geen drielandenpunt, maar een tweelandenpunt. Bij de authentieke grenspalen, kan je even in twee landen tegelijk zijn. Met het ene been sta je in België en met het andere been sta je in Nederland. Even geen bereik, even helemaal er tussen uit.

Zodra ik wegloop van de Damse vaart richting Aardenburg kom ik niemand anders meer tegen. Even waan ik mijzelf alleen in deze prachtige grensstreek. Nederland en België gaan hier vloeiend in elkaar over.

Ik wandel langs graanvelden, langs prachtige bomenlanen en tussendoor de weilanden met koeien. Tijdens de wandeling kan ik in de verte diverse kerktorens zien liggen, zoals de kerktoren van Lapscheure, maar ook de kerktoren van Aardenburg zie ik al van een afstand liggen.

Ondanks dat het een lange afstandswandeling is loop je in alle rust. Geen stukken langs grote wegen. De wandeling combineert dan ook polderwegen, met onverharde paden en grindpaden. Het grootste gedeelte van de route loopt over grindpaden.

Onderweg stop ik bij een weiland om even te genieten van het uitzicht en de koeien die in de wei naast mij staan te grazen. Wat een stilte ervaar je hier. De perfecte plek om even een hapje te eten en wat te drinken.

Waarna ik mijn weg verder vervolg langs de weilanden en de graanvelden. Net voor het Zeeuws-Vlaamse dorpje Heille steken we de Belgisch-Nederlandse grens weer over. Ook hier staat weer een authentieke wit zwarte grenspaal, op een plek waar je dit niet zou verwachten. Gewoon midden in de polder, langs een grindpad. De grenspalen zijn in de streek goed bewaard gebleven, je vindt ze nog altijd op veel grensovergangen langs de Zeeuws-Vlaamse grens met België. Je herkent ze aan hun wit-zwarte kleuren. Wist je dat alle grenspalen ook een eigen nummer hebben? Nummer 1 staat in Vaals, Limburg, en de laatste grenspaal tussen Nederland en België, nummer 369 staat in Zeeuws Vlaanderen. Bij Heille passeren wij grenspaal nummer 354. 

Weer terug in Nederland wandel ik nog een stuk tussen de akkers door, tot ik weer op de polderwegen kom net voor Heille. Hier wandel je tussen de wilgen door, wat een prachtig gezicht deze tijd van het jaar, vol in het groen. De kronkelende wegen leiden mij verder richting Aardenburg, het eindpunt van deze schitterende wandeling.

Net voor Aardenburg, zijn er enkele horeca gelegenheden. Ik besluit om te stoppen voor een drankje bij de Schaapskooi. Met dit weer even de benen rust geven met zicht op de polders. Je zou het slechter kunnen treffen. Bij de Schaapskooi kan je ook terecht voor een heerlijke lunch. Na mijn drankje vervolg ik mijn weg door de polder richting de oudste stad van Zeeland, Aardenburg.

Ik wandel Aardenburg binnen door het Elderschansbos, wat een totale verassing. Zo veel groen had ik niet verwacht. Hierna vervolg ik mijn weg door een van de mooiste straten van Zeeland, de Herendreef. De huizen en de bomen, maken dit een idyllische straat.

Ik wandel door tot ik in het nog mooiere hart van Aardenburg kom, de Kaai, met de grootste attractie de Kaaipoort. Oftewel stadspoort van Aardenburg, die nog volledig in tact is. Wat is hij prachtig. Even waan je je terug in de tijd. Hier kan je goed zien dat Aardenburg een stad is met veel historie.

Het Grenslandpad gaat verder onder door de Kaaipoort. Aan de linkerkant na de Kaaipoort vind je een prachtige muurschildering, want als oudste stad van Zeeland, wil je natuurijk deze historie in beeld brengen. Wat een prachtig beeld.

Het laatste stukje van de wandeling voert mij over de Wallen van Aardenburg. Het is fijn om de laatste kilometers door het groen te wandelen. Ik eindig mijn wandeling net buiten Aardenburg bij restaurant In den Wijngaard. Nog even nagenietend van een drankje en deze prachtige eerste etappe van het Grenslandpad.

Praktische informatie

Het Grenslandpad start aan de Kaai in Sluis. Hier is voldoende parkeergelegenheid, mocht je met eigen vervoer tot aan hier komen. Let wel op dat in het centrum van Sluis het betaald parkeren is.

Vanuit Sluis volg je de rood-witte markeringen. De route staat goed aangegeven, maar ik had wel een geprinte route meegenomen. Je wandelt namelijk in de grensstreek, en het telefoonbereik is hierdoor niet altijd op zijn best. Daarmee dat ik hier nooit alleen op mijn telefoon vertrouw.

In Aardenburg zijn er tal van mogelijkheden om te overnachten, van mooie bed en breakfasts, tot een hotelovernachting.

Je kan er ook voor kiezen om met de bus vanuit Aardenburg terug te keren naar Sluis, mocht je enkel deze etappe wandelen. Aan de Kaaipoort in Aardenburg is een bushalte. Deze bushalte ligt precies op de route. Hier is een dagelijkse busverbinding.

Ik ben benieuwd of jij ook deze mooie etappe van het Grenslandpad gaat ontdekken.

Hiking in the valley of Zwalm, Belgium

Since The Netherlands is relatively flat, I love to go hiking in Belgium. One of the areas I love to visit is the Flemish Ardennes. A beautiful area with rolling hills and beautiful forests. But you will also find beautiful valleys with winding rivers, like the river of Zwalm. This is the area I would like to tell you a bit more about in this blog post.

We picked the Zwalmriver hiking route, which is 13,2k long. We started our hike at Rekengemstraat, in Zwalm. Where you will find the Zwalm Mill, a beautiful piece of history of this area. As the mill was used to process grain.

You can park your car next to the mill. But there are multiple other parking lots along the route, where you can park your car. Along the route you will also find multiple little restaurants where you can stop for a drink or a bite to eat. Unfortunately restaurants “Klein Zwitserland” wasn’t open when we were there, but it truly looked so picturesque and it was situated right along the river.

The first part of the road you will walk along the river the Zwalm the entire time. You will pass multiple watermills. The calming sound of the water will join you the first part of the hike.

At the halfway point you will enter the backroads of the area. Here you will hike along the roads until about 1k until the end. I don’t like hiking on roads, but it does provide for some beautiful views. You can even watch the windmill on the “Molenberg”, which is the “Huisekoutermolen”. Which was a beautiful sight.

For the last kilometer you will hike along the river the Zwalm again. At first we thought we didn’t take the right turn, as it didn’t seem like a path, but after continuing for just a bit, we found that we were in the right place and we came across the route markings again.

We finished our hike back at the mill in Zwalm.
All in all a beautiful hike, but if you don’t like hiking along roads, this might not be the hike for you. Even though the roads aren’t busy with traffic, you will still have to watch out for cars now and then.

Let me know if you try this hike.

A bluebell hike in the Kravaal forest in Belgium

If you are looking for a hike to witness the beautiful bluebells in Belgium, but you don’t want to beat the crowds at the popular places, this forest might be the place to be for you.

During the month of April multiple forests are covered in a beautiful sea of blue flowers, bluebells. A magical sight to behold that is for sure. We explored a new forest to us which is famous for it’s bluebells. A smaller forest that is, but still beautiful. The bluebells were just starting to bloom. So now would be the perfect time to visit this forest.

We decided on a 8 km hike through and along the beautiful area next to the Kravaal forest. We parked our car at a little bar called “Bij Stinne” from where we started our hike. First we hiked along the edge of the forest and unto the open fields. Which at the moment where blooming with beautiful yellow rapeseed. Which gave a lot of color to the landscape. The first leaves are also starting to show on the trees. So finally it is time to hike through some lush landscapes.

The hike is mostly unpaved, and passes in between the acres, but also through some beautiful villages close to the forest. After about 4k, you enter the forest. Which was quite muddy this time of year with all the rain. But we didn’t let the mud stop us. As we entered the beautiful Kravaal forest we had to hike a little before we reached the area where the first bluebells where showing their colors and the blossom trees where also in full bloom. As I said before this week would be the perfect time to visit this beautiful forest.

Where to start the hike?

The hike starts at Dorpveld 1 in the town of Asse.
You can park your car at the local bar called “Bij Stinne” from where you can pick up the trail.

Let me know in the comments if you try out this hike.

A winter hike in the forest of Brakel

Even though it is still cold, hiking in winter is always a good idea. Just layer up and get outside. Which is what we did on a winter’s day in February and headed to the small town of Brakel, Belgium, to visit this beautiful forest. Where you will find bluebells in just a month or so. The first bluebell leaves are already popping up everywhere.

We started our hike at the parking lot, which is free. You will find the parking lot at the end of the Brakelbosstraat, in Brakel.

There are two routes set out throughout the forest, but since these aren’t too long, we decided to make our own route, with our AlpenVerein app. We hiked a total of 8k in this beautiful forest toward the village of La Houppe, and back through the forest. From La Houppe we also climbed the Pottelberg, which is 157 meter. If you have ever visited The Netherlands, you know we would even call this a mountain. Even though it is not of course.

The forest will be home to thousands of bluebells soon, which you can already see popping up everywhere underneath the trees. The forest isn’t very big, but you can also combine this forest with other forests for longer hikes, like the two forest hike.

We enjoyed a beautiful afternoon in this beautiful forest, with it’s little wooden bridges and it’s beautiful trees. I would love to come back here during spring to see all the bluebells bloom. Would you?

In search of the light in Van Gogh National Park

Situated in Brabant, The Netherlands, you will find Van Gogh National Park.
As a photographer I am always in search of the light, inspired by one of the most famous Dutch Painters, Vincent Van Gogh.

In the Van Gogh national park culture and nature meet. Let yourself be inspired by one of the greatest artist of The Netherlands, Vincent Van Gogh. There are 5 Van Gogh hiking routes situated in the National Park, which stretches from the West to the East of Brabant. Let me tell you more about the hiking routes near Van Gogh his birth place, Zundert.

Poem route Henriette Roland Holst

First let’s start with a 5k hiking route, starting at the beautiful Angora Hoeve, in the Oude Buisse Heide. Which is situated close by Roosendaal.

The Angora Hoeve was the home of Henriette Roland Holst, a Dutch poet. There is a parking lot at the Angora Hoeve. Next to the Angora Hoeve, you will find the ‘atelier’. Which was burned down, right after it was restored by an artist who couldn’t agree with it’s remarkable architecture. But today it is restored to its full glory. You can take a little detour to visit the Atelier.

The poet route will take you along Rhodendron lanes, towards beautiful oak lanes and into the fens. It is a diverse hiking route, which is well marked.

Along the way you will find Henriette’s poems displayed. Inspiring you with her words and the beautiful nature surrounding the poems.

Van Gogh hiking route Etten-Leur

Etten-Leur is the place where Vincent Van Gogh started his career as a painter in 1881. So it is the perfect place to follow in the footsteps of Vincent Van Gogh. You can experience the places that inspired Vincent Van Gogh his work.

The perfect place to start this hiking route is The Menmoerhoeve. Which is the perfect place to stop for a lunch or a drink after your hike. The hike is 14k and takes you along the different landscapes that inspired Vincent Van Gogh. You will cross heather fields, as well as beautiful forests and fens.

It is a diverse hike, and if you are lucky you might even find some sheep or cows during your hike.

The van Gogh House

If you still have some time left and you want to learn more about Vincent Van Gogh. You can visit his birthtown Zundert, where you will find The Van Gogh House. Which will tell you more about his art, as well as other expositions which are held here.

One thing you can’t miss when you visit Zundert is the time square. Because if you look carefully, you might notice something special about the pattern of the square. A little hint, you can only take it completely in when watching it form above.

I hope this blog has given you new inspiration to let yourself be inspired by one of the most famous Dutch Painters, as well as finding beauty in the Dutch landscapes of Brabant.

A magical winter getaway: Hotel 48 Nord

Are you looking for a magical winter weekend getaway that isn’t too far? Stop scrolling and let me tell you more about the beautiful region of the Alsace in France. Last year Valerie invited me for a stay at Hotel 48 Nord in the Alsace. A beautiful four star hotel located in Breitenbach, France. A landscape hotel, where nature and comfort go hand in hand.

Hotel 48 Nord

Hotel 48 Nord is located in the beautiful region of the Alsace. Where you will find the most picturesque towns and beautiful vineyards. A place where you can still enjoy complete stillness and watch the stars right from your hottub or private sauna.

Hotel 48 Nord isn’t your typical hotel. It features 14 cabins, scattered on their grounds. Where you will head down to dinner with a night lamp. One of the unique experiences of staying at this beautiful hotel.

Even though you will be staying in one of the cabins, you won’t have to turn down on any luxury. As most of the cabins are equipped with their own sauna or hottub.

A culinary treat

If you are anything like me, you love to eat. Well, while staying at Hotel 48 Nord, you won’t have to leave the hotel to enjoy the most amazing food. All the food is grown in their own organic vegetable garden, or is locally sourced. A fully vegetarian meal is even possible. As a non-vegetarian I loved their vegetarian dinner.

Their breakfast buffet is also incredible, with an incredible assortment of different sorts of breads and lots of fruits and vegetable options.

What to do while you are staying at Hotel 48 Nord?

The weekend we stayed at Hotel 48 Nord, we had the luck of witnessing the first snow fall of the season. In my opinion there is now better snowfall than the first snowfall. It just holds something magical. The entire world is covered in this beautiful white dusting. Ofcourse we couldn’t visit the Alsace without going for a hike, but with the snow, a regular hike wasn’t possible on top of the mountain. So we headed out with our tour guide to go snowshoeing. It was the first time ever for me, but it was the most incredible experience ever. At first it is a bit awkward to walk in snow shoes, but as soon as you get the hang of it it is incredible. We did an entire loop on the mountain, where the hotel is located, which was absolutely stunning. I would highly recommend heading out with a guide.

Riquewihr, a Disney village

As I said earlier, the Alsace is known for it’s picturesque villages and their vineyards. We visited one of the most beautiful towns while we were there Riquewihr. Which the hotel owner Emil, described as a Disney like town. And this couldn’t be more true. It is truly a magical village. Especially around Christmas time, it is worth a visit.

As you can imagine it was a weekend worth remembering in one of the most beautiful hotels. This hotel is truly unique with it’s beautiful cabins, with the most beautiful view of the Alsace. A place to discover and come back to enjoy comfort and peace amongst nature’s beauty.

A weekend hiking at Voorne-Putten

Are you looking for a hiking destination within The Netherlands? Look no further, I have found you the perfect destination for a weekend get away in The Netherlands.

Let me introduce you to the beautiful area Voorne-Putten. With 375 kilometers of hiking trails, an amazing place to go hiking for the weekend.

Voorne-Putten is situated just south of Rotterdam, in the province of Zuid Holland. Which makes it an ideal place for a weekend getaway. It is rural and has the only south facing beach in The Netherlands, in Rockanje. Add to that all the picturesque villages and you have a perfect setting for fall.

Boutique hotel de Oude Veste

Where to stay?

We stayed in the beautiful old town of the city Hellevoetsluis at Boutique hotel de Oude Veste. A beautiful small scale hotel housed in the building of the old marine school. The building was build in 1878. And you will only find 7 rooms, all in their own beautiful style. We stayed in room 6, which has a beautiful view of the harbor of Hellevoetsluis and the windmill. Which was first located at ‘Droogdok Jan Blanken’ and was later moved to it’s current location.

The hotel is within walking distance of all the sights of Hellevoetsluis, so you won’t need your car while staying here.

What to see?

In Hellevoetsluis you will find the old defense lines. ‘Stichting Verdedigingswerken’ organizes tours along the defense lines from April until the beginning of October. We were fortunate to catch one of the last tours of the season. As they are not allowed to enter the casemates during the winter months, due to bats.

I can highly recommend taking a tour of the defense line in Hellevoetsluis, as it comes with an incredible story about the history of the beautiful city of Hellevoetsluis.

After your tour you can take a hike through the city of Hellevoetsluis, there are different routes possible. You can make your own route with the “knooppunten” which are well marked along the city.

If you stay within the city, I can highly recommend going for a sunrise hike, which is what we did. As the city is still quiet and the boats reflect beautiful in the water.

Where to go hiking?
But of course we came here to go hiking, as Voorne Putten counts 375 kilometer of hiking trails. So let me take you along on the hike “Duinen & Valleien” which starts in the dunes of Rockanje.

We parked our car at the info centre at Tenellaplas, in Rockanje. Where you can easily start the hike, as the first marker is right in front of the visitor centre.

Between the ‘knooppunten’ you will follow the red arrow, which will point you in the right direction to the next ‘knooppunt’.

It is an amazing route which totals 13 kilometers, along the beautiful forest and dunes of the island Voorne Putten.

The route is almost entirely unpaved and it almost doesn’t feel like you are in The Netherlands at all. As you just keep walking within nature.

The trail starts in the beautiful forests, and through the dunes, back into the forest. There is only a small part of the trail that will take you along a bicycle path, but that is only about 1k of the total trail.

There are numerous benches along the trail, so just bring your lunch along and find a beautiful spot for a picknick. While you enjoy the peacefulness of this area.

After returning to the visitor centre, don’t forget to check it out. It has some beautiful displays with information of this beautiful area. As well as a little shop. You can also buy hiking routes for children here, called the ‘knapzak’ route.

There is also a restaurant situated next to the parking lot, for your after hike drinks.

Ravense Hout, Hellevoetsluis

If you are looking for a shorter hike, you will want to visit the forest called Ravense Hout, just outside of the city. A beautiful forests, where dogs are allowed to roam free. And where you will find some amazing lanes and bridges inside the forest. We ended our weekend here with a short hike of 3k. Along the beautiful lanes and water ways that are numerous in this forest.

Where to eat?

Last, but not least, where to eat while visiting Voorne-Putten? I mean, who doesn’t get hungry from all that hiking? So a good and hearty meal will go along way.

We had dinner at restaurant de Beeren in Heenvliet, a beautiful restaurant, in an even more beautiful town. So don’t forget to head over into town after having dinner.

Have you ever visited the island of Voorne-Putten? Let me know in the comments or if you are planning on visiting the island in the future.

Weekend getaways in The Netherlands and Belgium

Are you looking for a perfect weekend getaway in The Netherlands or Belgium? In this post I will share some of my personal favorites with you.

The Forest, Belgium

On a private domain in Belgium, you will find this tiny house, the Forest. Where you can take a bath within the forest. The tiny house has room for two people and the cabin is heated by a cosy fire place.

In summer time there is a BBQ you can use, or you can cook on open fire and roast some marshmallows.

There is a large pond next to the cabin and you can take the canoe out for a spin.

Cabin the Forest

Buitenplaats Beekhuizen

In the middle of the forest at the Veluwezoom, you will find pods and glamping tents from Buitenplaats Beekhuizen. It is the perfect place to go when you love to go hiking in the forest.

I love the fact that you are surrounded by the forest, wherever you look. At night it is still completely dark here and you will need a lantern to go outside. It is the perfect place to enjoy a campfire and watch the stars.

Pod Buitenplaats Beekhuizen

Bed and breakfast Zuidoord

This beautiful bed and breakfast is located on the island of Voorne Putten, only a short ride away from the city of Rotterdam, but still in the middle of nature. Surrounded by the countryside of The Netherlands, you will have a beautiful view for miles right from the garden of the bed and breakfast. The perfect place to relax and recharge.

Close to the city of Hellevoetsluis and surrounded by beautiful beaches and nature. You can rent a bike and go for a bike ride along Voorne Putten. Or you can put on your hiking boots and take a long walk along the beach of Rockanje or Voorne Putten.

Hotel de Sterrenberg

Right outside of national park the Veluwe you will find Hotel Sterrenberg, an adults only hotel, with an amazing restaurant. If you want a little bit more luxury this is the place to go. You can start your visit to the national park right from the doorstep of the hotel or you can stay at the hotel and enjoy a relaxing day at their spa and afterwards an amazing dinner at their restaurant, Woods.

Camping de Blauwe Haan

If you are looking for something different, right in the middle of nature, camping the Blauwe Haan is the place to go. It is a beautiful campsite situated in the beautiful province of Drenthe, The Netherlands. You will find this campsite right at the entry of the forest, so you can hike straight from your tent or rental property. We stayed in one of the domes, which houses up to 4 guests. With a fully furnished kitchen and a toilet. The only thing you will need to leave the dome for is a shower. It is close to the beautiful nature reserve of Dwingeloo, where you can take beautiful hikes.

Weekend getaways